Sharqiya Sands, also known as Wahiba Sands after the local Bani Wahiba tribe, is roughly 4,000 square miles of sandy dunes in the north-east of our mystery country, about a two-hour drive from the national capital of Muscat. Along with several indigenous Bedouin groups inhabiting this desert, the high moisture content of the sand supports a surprising variety of flora and fauna. Heavy fog regularly rolls in off the sea and is absorbed by the sands.

There are lodges and tent camps in the Sharqiya Sands, but tourism, which has taken off across the country in recent years, may soon be limited to designated areas in order to preserve the unique and sensitive ecosystem. 


Can you name that country? 
See below for answers.

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Foto Friday – Ya’lla Groups 3

Happy Friday! Please enjoy some random shots of Ya’lla travelers:

Cuevo del Indio, Vinales Valley, Pinar del Rio, Cuba

Cuevo del Indio, Vinales Valley, Pinar del Rio, Cuba

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Foto Friday – Oman

Happy Friday!

Please enjoy photos of some people (and a few camels) of Oman.
The pictures are all courtesy of our partners in Oman, Elite Tourism.

smiling camel and friend, Wahiba Sands, photo courtesy of Elite Tourism, Oman

smiling camel and friend, Wahiba Sands, photo courtesy of Elite Tourism, Oman

Wahiba Sands, photo courtesy of Elite Tourism, Oman

Wahiba Sands, photo courtesy of Elite Tourism, Oman

Click to read guest blogger Rich Davis’ enthusiastic impressions of Oman.

Foto Friday – Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Oman

As promised, here are a few more images from our fam trip to the Arabian Peninsula, specifically, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and northern Oman. All of these photos were taken by two travelers on the trip. I hope you enjoy the viewing as much as I have. There are still lots more to come.


Dubai, photo by Sue Alstedt

Dubai, photo by Sue Alstedt

Dubai, photo by Sallie Volotzky

Dubai, photo by Sallie Volotzky


Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, photo by Sue Alstedt

Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, photo by Sue Alstedt

Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, photo by Sue Alstedt

Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, photo by Sue Alstedt

Men & their falcons, Abu Dhabi, photo by Sue Alstedt

Men & their falcons, Abu Dhabi, photo by Sue Alstedt


Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort near Abu Dhabi, photo by Sue Alstedt

Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort near Abu Dhabi, photo by Sue Alstedt

Arabian Desert, photo by Sallie Volotzky

Arabian Desert, photo by Sallie Volotzky


northern coast of Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

northern coast of Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

leaning in for a pat, Muscat, Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

leaning in for a pat, Muscat, Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

somewhere in Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

somewhere in Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

Muscat, Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

Muscat, Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

Muscat, Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

Muscat, Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

Nizwa Fort, Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

Nizwa Fort, Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

northern coast of Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

northern coast of Oman, photo by Sue Alstedt

See our website for tours to Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Oman. We have 10 tours published there with detailed itineraries, from 3 and 4-day stopover tours focused on the highlights of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Muscat or Salalah, to a 15-day comprehensive tour of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha and Oman. In between, we have two 8-day tours, Wonders of Arabia and Glory of Arabia, with different configurations of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and the Arabian Desert in UAE. In Oman, we have a 6-day tour that includes both Muscat in the north and Salalah in the south, two very different regions, and a 9-day tour covering Muscat, Salalah, Nizwa, Sur and the Wahiba Sands desert. All itineraries are privately escorted and so totally flexible. We will also create custom itineraries to any of our destinations in the Arabian Peninsula.

Happy weekend!